Career and Awards


Eronildes da Silva Bacelar, Nide, was born in 1927, in Aiquara, State of Bahia, Brazil. She is a well recognized painter in Brazil and her career is full of prizes.

In 1963, she attends to the Escola de Belas Artes (Universidade Federal da Bahia), in Salvador, with Emídio Magalhães, as teacher. In 1971, she improves her studies in arts in Rio de Janeiro. Since then, she becomes self-taught, developing her own techniques of painting and her own style.

In 1975, she becomes an representative, in Salvador, of the Associação de Artistas Plásticos do Distrito Federal. At that time she starts to teaching drawing and painting at her atelier.

In 1978, she is highlighted in the book Arte Nordeste Hoje, edited in Recife, state of Pernambuco. She also participates in the Salão de Arte do Rio de Janeiro promoted by the Associação Brasileira de Imprensa.

In 1979, she attends to a course of Critics in Arts, in Brasília, in the Federal District, sponsored by Funarte (Fundação Nacional de Arte) and taught by Romano Galleffi. In Recife, she receives the title of Highlighted Painter at the VII Grande Noite de Elegância e Destaque do Nordeste.

After so many awards, Nide continues her search for perfection. Her uncountable admirers spread her works around Brazil and the world.





She receives the title of Pintora Revelação do Ano and Gold Medal from Academia Brasileira de Letras.


Silver Medal at an event of arts promoted by the Câmara Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Gold Medal at an event of art promoted by the Correios e Telégrafos - ABD, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.



Gold Medal at the event Arte Internacional Contemporânea sponsored by ABD - MEC,  in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Silver Medal at the Salão Nacional de Artes Plásticas da Aeronáutica, Rio de Janeiro.


Silver Medal at the Salão de Verão, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Artist placed at the Juried Exibition Oklahoma Art Galery, Oklahoma, EUA.



Gold Medal at the Salão de Arte do Othon Palace Hotel, Salvador.


Gold Madal in an event of art promoted by the  União Nacional dos Artistas Plásticos, Salvador, Brazil



Second Place at the Salão de Artes da Marinha, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.


Sole Expositions

1970 - Panorama Art Gallery, Salvador.

1972 - Galeria Escada, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

1972 - Galeria Corredor de Arte, Rio de Janeiro.

1972 - Clube Baiano de Tênis, Salvador.

1975 - Foyer do Teatro Castro Alves, Salvador.

1975 - Iate Clube da Bahia, Salvador.

1975 - Biblioteca Rosacruz, Salvador.

1975 - Salão do Posto São Jorge, Salvador.

1976 - Iate Clube da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil..

1977 - Iate Clube da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil.

1978 - Iate Clube da Bahia, Salvador.

1979 - Panorama Art Gallery, Salvador, Brazil.

1979 - Panorama Art Gallery, Salvador.

1979 - Galeria Theodoro Braga, Belém - Pará.

1981 - Galeria Europa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

1983 - Lampião Galeria de Arte, Brasília.

1983 - Panorama Art Gallery, Salvador, Brazil.

1988 - Shopping Barra, Salvador.           

1991 - Shopping Barra, Salvador, Brazil.

2001 - Casa do Comércio, march, in Salvador.

2001 - Casa do Comércio, december, in Salvador.


Collective Expositions


1970 - Banco Nacional de Minas Gerais, Salvador.

1971 - Le Dôme Galeria de Arte, Salvador.

1971 - Panorama Art Gallery, Salvador.

1971 - II Feira de Amostra - Pavilhão S. Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro.

1971 - Galeria Irlandini, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

1971 - Panorama Art Gallery, Salvador, Brazil.

1971 - Instituto Goethe, Salvador, Bahia.

1972 - Feira Embu, São Paulo, Brazil.

1973 - Le Dôme Galeria de Arte, Salvador.

1973 - Panorama Art Gallery, Salvador.

1973 - II Salão de Artes Visuais - UFRGS, Porto Alegre.

1974 - Gabinete Português de Leitura, Salvador.

1975 - Galeria Florentina, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

1976 - Galeria Sereia, Salvador, Brazil.

1976 - Galeria Pelourinho, Salvador, Brazil.

1976 - III Salão da Inconfidência, Brasília.

1977 - Exposição promoted by Galeria Rag, Brasília.

1978 - Panorama Galeria de Arte, Salvador, Bahia.

1978 - Hotel Nacional, Brasília, Brazil.

1978 - IV Salão da Inconfidência, Brasília.

1978 - Exposição promoted by Galeria Rag, Ilhéus.

1978 - Panorama Galeria de Arte, Salvador.

1978 - Museu de Bolso Gabriela Dantas, Rio de Janeiro.

1979 - Hotel Nacional, Brasília.

1979 - Panorama Art Gallery, Salvador, Brazil.

1979 - Le Dôme Art Gallery, Salvador.



1979 - Exposição de Natal, Panorama Art Gallery, Salvador.

1980 - Panorama Art Gallery, Salvador.

1980 - Le Dôme Art Gallery, Bahia, Brazil.

1981 - Panorama Galeria de Arte, Salvador, Bahia.

1981 - Salão Negro do Congresso Nacional, Brasília.

1983 - Stamp Studio de Arte, Salvador.

1983 - Exposition on behalf of Obras Assist. Irmã Dulce, Salvador.

1983 - Expo Bahia Verão, Hotel Meridien, Salvador, Brazil.

1985 - Le Dôme Art Gallery, Salvador, Bahia.

1985 - Panorama Art Gallery, Salvador.

1985 - Maria do Carmo Art Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil.

1986 - Le Dôme Art Gallery, Salvador, Brazil.

1986 - União Nac. dos Artistas Plásticos, Othon Hotel, Salvador.

1986 - 6ª Expo Bahia Verão 86 - Hotel da Bahia,  Salvador.

1988 - Semana de Tamandaré - Cabana da Barra, Salvador.

1988 - Arte Mulher, Caixa Econômica Federal, Salvador.

1989 - Espaço Cultural Shopping Barra, Pan. Art Gallery, Salvador.

1991 - Le Dôme Art Gallery, Salvador, Brazil.

1991 - Coletiva de Verão, Panorama Art Gallery, Salvador.

1991 - Festas e Esperanças, Le Dôme Art Gallery, Salvador.

1993 - Baneb, Salvador.

1995 - Marina Café Teatro,  Teatro Castro Alves, Bahia.

1997 - Espaço de Artes Francis, Salvador, Brazil.

2000 - Museu Náutico da Bahia, Salvador.

2000 - Panorama Art Gallery, Salvador.

2001 - Cinelli Art Gallery, Salvador, Brazil.

2003 - Nide's painting is chosen to illustrate the Saviamantra's music CD.


Austregésilo de Ataíde


Nide receives Gold Medal and the title of Pintora Revelação do Ano (1980) from the hands of Austregésilo de Ataíde, then, president of the Academia Brasileira de Letras.



Salvador Bahia




Art Brazil


Career and Awards. Plastic Arts Salvador Bahia Brazil. Sponsored by - All Rights Reserved


Nide Bacelar



Arte Bahia





Nide's painting


Nide's painting


Nide's painting



Nide's painting


Lavagem do Senhor do Bomfim